Join the Performance Team
Performance Building Services.
Join our team and get a fresh, clean start for your New Year!
¡Únase a nuestro equipo y obtenga un comienzo fresco y limpio para su Año Nuevo!
Use #cleaning as a shortcut to find quick info about cleaning and the other services provided by Performance.
Call any time to speak with our friendly cleaning professionals and learn what Performance cleans. Call (949) 364-4364 now!
Performance Building Services.
Join our team and get a fresh, clean start for your New Year!
¡Únase a nuestro equipo y obtenga un comienzo fresco y limpio para su Año Nuevo!
Performance Cleanroom Services Provides Cleaning for Cleanrooms, Laboratories, and Other Critical Environments
Performance Building Services.
Our cleaning professionals have enjoyed many years of working to make you happy, and soon you will get to meet them.
Photos coming soon!
Call (949) 364-4364 to learn more about the type of cleaning you are searching for.
(Professional Cleaning You Can Count On)
Your hands must remain as clean as possible.
Please, wash your hands thoroughly, often, and sanitize often.
Call (949) 364-4364 for expert advice on cleaning and sanitizing for infection control.
Performance is always available for free guidance.